Three-Minute Survey for Parents of Children with Autism and/or Other Neurodevelopmental Disorders |
This brief parent survey will help the Escher Fund for Autism develop new grants to support research into some of the possible causes of autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders. Surveys like this one have already shaped more than a half-dozen studies at major research institutions and several papers and commentaries in major scientific journals. This survey is not itself a research project—no data will be used in any study. Rather, it merely serves to help raise questions that may be investigated in future research projects.
All information will be kept completely confidential unless at a later time you provide explicit permission to share some portion of your information. That said, if you are uncomfortable supplying answers that's fine, you could respond with general answers, say "prefer not to answer," or request to deliver your information in a telephone conversation (just email us). Otherwise, please fill out all boxes to the best of your knowledge. If the answer is no or you don't know, simply indicate that. When completed, please hit "submit." Your information is for screening purposes only. We will contact you with any follow-up questions. Thank you for your participation! |