"Out of the Past: Old Exposures, Heritable Effects, and Emerging Concepts for Autism Research"
Presentation on the germline disruption hypothesis of autism, presented at Florida State University's Symposium on the Developing Mind, April 8, 2016. Many thanks to Professor Pradeep Bhide and his colleagues for extending the invitation for this keynote lecture.
Slides are read left to right. Please direct any questions or comments to [email protected].
Slides are read left to right. Please direct any questions or comments to [email protected].
Links to other articles and presentations featuring Jill's story and the germline disruption hypothesis of autism:
November 2015, Bay Area Autism Consortium Conference, "The Germline Disruption Hypothesis of Autism." (Poster presentation)
September 2015, Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society Conference, "Germline Disruption Hypothesis of Autism, in a Nutshell." (6-minute video)
August 2014, Ancestral Health Symposium: Epigenetics and the Multigenerational Effects of Nutrition, Chemicals and Drugs (40-minute video)
November 2013, University of Illinois School of Pharmacy guest lecture, "Are Grandma's Pregnancy Drugs (from the 1950s, 60s and 70s) Partly to Blame for Today's Autism Epidemic?" (Slides)
September 2013, Pittsburgh Post Gazette: Can Autism Be Triggered in Future Generations?
September 2013, Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society Conference, Epigenetics Special Interest Group keynote, "20th C. Prenatal Pharmaceuticals & Smoking (& More), Fetal Germline Epigenetics, and Today's Autism Epidemic: Any Connections?" (Slides)
August 2013, San Francisco Chronicle: Mother's Quest Could Help Solve Autism Mystery
August 2013, Autism Speaks Blog: A Grandmotherly Clue in One Family's Autism Mystery
July 2013, Environmental Health News: Onslaught of autism: A mom's crusade could help unravel scientific mystery
July 2013, NIH Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee, National Institutes of Health: Autism: Germline Disruption in Personal and Historical Context (15-minute video)
March 2013, presentation at the symposium Environmental Epigenetics: New Frontiers in Autism Research (scroll down for 10-minute video)